The normalshapemediumseries\catcode problems

The normalshapemediumseriesmusicpos.tex file merely overrides the normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\catcodes of the normalshapemediumseries|| and normalshapemediumseries& symbols which are modified by MusicTEX. To have access to these symbols when coding music, on should then enclose the scores or excerpts within normalshapemediumseries\ begin{ music} and normalshapemediumseries\end{ music} . But there is also another possibility, i.e. to say normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\nextinstrument instead of normalshapemediumseries & and normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\nextstaff instead of normalshapemediumseries|| .

Another problem comes from the normalshapemediumseriesfrench.sty written by Bernard GAULLE which is the standard of the GUTenberg French association. This style changes many normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\catcodes which lead MusicTEX to fail in many cases. Therefore, since the version 4.99, the normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\catcodes of all are forced to the adequate value at normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\debutmorceau, normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\debutextrait and restored at their original value at normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\finmorceau, normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\suspmorceau and normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\finextrait. This means that some facilities like the guillemets or the tabulation character are inhibited within music scores (possible problem with sophisticated lyrics) but perfectly available within the normal text.

Anyway, in case of emergency, one can invoke normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\catcodesmusic to establish the normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\catcodes at their value fit for music, and normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\endcatcodesmusic to reset them at their external value, for example those chosen by normalshapemediumseriesfrench.sty.